
About Chart Dynamix

Chart Dynamix is a unique group of professional traders and developers looking to support Main-Street market participants through exceptional charting tools, trading signals, automated strategies and educational support resources.


We believe the world financial markets are an age-old capitalist tradition for all citizens to participate in the everlasting proposition of value and exchange.

Thus we believe these markets should forever remain free, fair and open to participants of all creeds.  Whether value investor or speculator, we especially believe in leveling the playing field for the average investor and trader, the people of Main-Street.


To be a premier source for quality charting tools, automation, education and valuable resources for the global community of market participants both novice and professional alike.

We strive to always continue learning and building our business for success and hope that you will make us a part of supporting you in yours as well.  Join our community today and let’s all keep pushing the envelope towards your next milestone!

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