Compatibility Guarantee & Refund Policy

Our team wants to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with your purchase!

If you have any technical or sales questions, please contact us before you purchase.
All sales are final except within 30 days in the following cases:

  1. Platform compatibility: You provide evidence that our software is not functional with the latest version of your trading platform.
  2. Addon compatibility: You provide evidence that there is interference between our software and other addon(s) you are running.

In both cases, you agree to cooperate with us to attempt to resolve the problem first, before any refund is issued.  In most cases, this could involve us releasing a patch to install on your machine or conducting a remote desktop support session on your machine to troubleshoot the compatibility issue. In all cases, a solution is not guaranteed and we reserve the right to forego troubleshooting and issue a refund.

Please follow the steps below to submit your request.  In the event we cannot resolve your issue, we will issue your refund less the transaction cost** within 30 days of your request date. We make every attempt to process refunds as quickly as possible. However, Stripe or PayPal (our payment processors) or your financial institution can take up to 20 days for the refund to reflect in your bank account/card. We have no control over how long this process takes.

** Most payment processors charge us a non-refundable fee (usually 3%). This fee will be deducted from the total refunded amount.

Requesting a Refund

To submit a refund request, please follow the process below:

  1. Visit the following page: > Contact > Submit a Help Ticket
  2. In the form, enter your full name and email.
    Enter the subject: Order #[your order number] : Refund Request
  3. In the description, please enter the specific products you want a refund for and the details of how the product is not working.
    To assist our troubleshooting, please provide any details available, including the following:

      1. Version of your platform
      2. Other addons installed
      3. Error messages received
      4. Description of the problematic behavior
  4. Once you submit the support ticket, you will receive an auto-response from us. That lets you know we’ve received your request.
  5. Once we’ve had a chance to review your request we will be in touch to confirm next steps.